My Travel Guide To Petra in Jordan
Don’t you know who it looks like inside Petra or what you need to see and what is the name of everything inside Petra? Here comes my Petra guide on what to see and do in Petra, Jordan and all the names of everything so you can feel prepared before you enter Petra. Her is my step by step guide to Petra!
Here comes my own Travel guide for visit Petra in Jordan:
1. Petra Visitor Center
This map will you get at the main entrance when you buy your ticket. Petra Visitor Center is marked on the map below. It´s here the journey in Petra begins.
The ticket cost 50 JD/each. Its around 60 Euro.
2. As Siq
You will see many ruins and tombs along the road from the main entrance through Petra. But the first stop I would say is called “As Siq”.
3. The Treasury (Al- Khazneh)
Next stop is the great treasury that is best known from Petra. It is called “The Treasury” or “Al – Khazneh”. It´s two different names but same thing.
4. Royal Tombs
Then it is the stop named “Royal Tombs” which is awesome and located to your right hand side along the road. In this area there are several different tombs available which you can also walk inside and see how it looks like.
5. Colonnaded Street
Here is the “Colonnaded Street” and “The Great Temple” which ut very beautiful.
Great Temple

6. Qasar al- Bint
Here is the final stop called “Qasar al- Bint” if you have a guide with you. After that, you’re on your own and can stroll around, which is very nice because the guide have a tendency to rush you through Petra.
7. The Monastery
Do you want to continue and see “Ad-Deir Monastery”, located at the top about 1-1.5 hour’s hike from the end station with the guide, I would highly recommend you to do it. Do you have the strength left it is an amazing experience to see. Bring a water bottle and some snacks with you, you will surely need it!
8. Petra by night
Last but not least, do not forget “Petra by night” which is an amazing experience! Starting at 20.30 in the evening every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Make sure to be at the main entrance on time!
Have you been in Petra, what did you think about it?
Happy Travels!
// Charlotte
Har kollat din insta och sett alla härliga Jordan bilder där. Petra har varit på min reselista länge men har inte lyckats få med mig någon dit och det känns inte som ett land man direkt åker till som själv tjej, eller har jag fel? bra tips med guiden 🙂 hoppas på att få rum i min resekalender med ett besök dit om inte allt för länge.
Hej Pernilla! Vad roligt att du gillar min guide! Jag åkte själv till Petra och runt i hela Jordanien då jag inte lyckades få med mig någon som ville med. Det fungerade förvånansvärt bra! Blev förvånad men det var många andra på plats som Jag hade bokat en privat guide som körde mig överallt och som verkligen tog hand om mig. Lite som en “extrapappa”. Jag har skrivit om honom också lite längre ner i ett inlägg. Kontakta gärna honom om och när det är dags för dig att åka dit. Men som sagt, jag åkte själv och det gick jättebra!